

AVG Antivirus Customer Service Number

Phone Number :  +1-844-259-8811
Call Time :  24 hours, 7 days, also available on Holidays.
Support :  (Talk to human – +1-855-362-0770)
For online help :  AVG Support
Company URL :

An Overview of AVG Antivirus

The AVG Antivirus is currently among the top-ranked antivirus available for individuals and businesses. The AVG security is available in both free and paid versions. Users can easily install and run the AVG application and, if satisfied with the services under the free version, upgrade to the paid version. While running the AVG Antivirus, users might encounter some issues which can become a hurdle while using the application. Thus they need assistance while using AVG antivirus. Here, we will provide all the necessary information regarding AVG and tell you how to contact AVG Antivirus Customer Service number. Read the article further to know more about AVG support.

Pros and cons of AVG Antivirus 

The best way to get relevant information about any software is by getting to know about the pros and cons. Here we have provided all the available pros and cons of AVG antivirus, which are listed below.

Pros of using AVG Antivirus 

Available as both free and paid versions. The free version provides all the necessary features like ransomware, spyware, and malware.

  • Best email protection and anti-spam features.
  • Easy compatibility with any device and less memory requirement.
  • Easy updates.
Cons related to AVG Antivirus
  • Tech support is available for paid users only.
  • Detect normal extensions and applications as harmful files.
  • Trouble while using the software.

Various Features available under AVG security

Users who have downloaded AVG Antivirus will be benefitted from the following features.

AVG TuneUp

This is a one-screen suite/user interface where through which you can easily read the statistics about your computer security. With the help of AVG TuneUp, you can easily remove any bloatware, suspected application, and unwanted files which are taking up so much space in your system.

Secure VPN by AVG Security

AVG Antivirus includes a 256-bit AES encryption system, thus providing an untrackable VPN application. With the help of a VPN, you can safely browse the internet without any trouble that your data might be stolen, or your browser history can be tracked by hackers or Internet Service Providers. Also, you can easily access any website without giving your true identity to the visitor list.

AVG Antivirus Internet Security

AVG security provides all the internet security features at a very reasonable price which is affordable for anyone. With the internet security features, you will be alerted or get a notification for any suspicious software behavior. The AI Detection identifies any malware to protect your system from any potential threat. Apart from that, AVG antivirus automatically analyzes any new application or software installed in your system. Various other benefits under AVG internet security are listed below:

  • Behavioural Shield
  • PUA Scanner
  • Real-time Updates
  • Identify Hacker Attacks
  • Silent Mode for popups so that you can focus on your work.
  • Web Shield, Email Shield, Toolbar Remover & Wi-Fi guard.
  • Fraudulent Alert

All these features are available under AVG Internet security at a very minimum affordable price through which you can protect your system and personal data safe and secure from any internet threat.

Payment Protection by AVG Antivirus

Online payment has become a preferred mode of transaction, saving time, paper, and many other things. However, it is also an opportunity for hackers/attackers to try and steal your resources, like money. Whenever you make a transaction, hackers try to steal your credentials, like your account number and password, through which there will be a chance that your bank account will be at risk. One precaution which you can take from your side is to avoid visiting any unwanted or suspicious websites. Apart from that, you can opt for AVG security, where your password and payment transaction details will be safe and secure.

Webcam protection

Webcam hacking is a common issue nowadays with intruders trying to access your system. The possible cause through which your webcam will be compromised is that the user sometimes allows permission for the camera and does not give attention to the source from which permission is being asked. Through AVG webcam protection, you will receive an alert whenever any source asks for permission to access your camera and microphone.

AVG Antivirus for Android Devices

You can also install AVG Antivirus on your android mobile. AVG Android is available for free with various distinguishing features for your mobile. Following are some of the features available with AVG android security:

  • Photo-Vault: Protect your images from various intrusions and getting compromised through AVG Photo vault. Through this, you can lock all images and media in a virtual vault and they will be safe and secure.
  • Email Hacker Alert: Through AVG Android, you will be receiving alerts in case any of your email accounts get hacked, or your data is leaked.
  • App Locking: You can protect your app data from the eyes of others through others as app-lock requires a PIN, pattern, or fingerprint to open and be accessible by the user.
  • AVG Android Cleaner: Through this, you can clean all the junk files and ensure your android device is running smoothly without any hindrance caused by full memory.

AVG File Shredder

Through the AVG antivirus feature, you can easily detect and delete any unwanted, suspicious, or malicious files from your system without any trouble. Apart from that, through AVG file shredder, you can make sure that the deleted file will not be recovered in your system through any means.

AVG Antivirus Helpline Number

In case you have any trouble, you can contact AVG Antivirus Customer Service Number, which is available on the official website. Apart from making a call, you can reach out to AVG Customer support through various means like mail, live chat, remote assistance, and various other means. Follow the given steps below to get the AVG  customer service number:

  • Visit the official website of AVG. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the option “Contact Us.”
  • A new page will open where you need to select Technical Support. After which, AVG Home Support website will open.
  • After that, you need to select your product. There you can select your query from the FAQs section or can click on the option “Get More Help.”
  • On the next page, you need to fill in various details like your operating system, your product, free or paid, along with your registered mail ID (for paid users). Select whether you want to call or you need to chat. After that, click “contact us.”
  • You will be provided required as per your requirement and the AVG product you are using.

Avast Antivirus Helpline Number

Reach out to our AVG customer Care number. 

Instead of going through all the steps given above, you can reach out to our AVG Antivirus Helpline Number. Here you can easily contact our technical team and state your query and whatever trouble you are facing while running AVG Antivirus in your system.
Although many other AVG Customer Care numbers are available, we recommend you prefer AVG tech support because of our technical team’s expertise in solving any antivirus-related issues. Not only for AVG antivirus, but you can also resolve any trouble while using any other antivirus in your system. Our tech support will assist you immediately.

Ending Note

We hope from the above discussion, we have provided all the essentials regarding AVG Antivirus and AVG Customer Support number. In case you are still having any kind of trouble while using any antivirus or have any queries regarding our tech support. You can call on the below number or click on the Help option to chat with us.

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